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Our Solutions aren’t built for everybody,
they’re built For You.

Custom Development to Your Exact Requirements

Are You Having Trouble Finding Software to Meet Your Business Needs?

DIDIT Consulting Inc provides custom software solutions when off-the-shelf software just doesn’t fit your needs. Different businesses have different needs and specifications. We work hard to understand your issues. We are able to develop software to fulfill your exact needs with quality every step of the way.

Services that we offer:

  • Custom Application Development
  • Intranet & Internet Back-Office Development
  • Database Mining & Reporting

Custom Application Development

Many people believe that custom application development is out of their reach, that it is too costly. However, they don't consider the amount of time wasted performing double entry, fixing mistakes due to double entry, training involved to teach employees how to use a system that isn't really how they run their business. Not to mention the fact that when there are problems, you are only one of many users and your issues just may not be big enough for the software vendor to address.

Compare this to custom application development where the application is designed specifically to perform the way you do business, it will interact with other systems you already have in place or replace them entirely, double entry and the possibility of user error associated with it is negated; and finally, if and when you have issues with the application, you are the customer, not one of hundreds or thousands or more! So if you need help, it is there for the asking.

Intranet & Internet Back-Office Development

Many businesses are moving away from shuffling paper around the office, they are utilizing digital communication more and more everyday. Through email, Office documents, spreadsheets, PDF documents, sharepoint, intranet and extranet portals, businesses are abandoning the copy machine for email attachments and shared document space.

DIDIT Consulting Inc can provide your business with a solution that will work best for your business whether you want to share documents within the office, or if you want to share documents with clients based on user access priveleges. You can even access documents from the road or from home rather than running back to the office late at night or asking a coworker to fax you that presentation you spent two weeks preparing for a client meeting because you left it on your computer at work. All of this is a thing of the past.

Database Mining & Reporting

Many of our larger corporate clients have huge datastores that are part of an ERP system implemented by corporate and they have little option over the system they use to run their day to day operations. However, through our experienced database team we are able to cull the data that is important to the given department or division and generate meaningful reports just with the subset of data that they care about without ever having to make waves with the corporate culture.

This way they don't have to buck the system, which would never fly in the corporate structure, but they can still get the information they want delivered in a way that is useful to them so that they can be more productive and evreryone benefits!

So whether you are looking for custom application development, a new intranet or internet backend, or just need some database mining and reporting, contact DIDIT Consulting Inc today for a free consultation to see how we can help you take your business to the next level.